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COVID-19 Resource Links


Local Help:

http://www.townofbristolnh.org Town of Bristol Website - (603)744-3354

http://www.minotsleeperlibrary.org/ Minot Sleeper Library (Bristol) - (603)744-3352

Do you need assistance grocery shopping? Contact TTCC - (603)744-2713


NH Help:

http://www.nhes.nh.gov  New Hampshire Employment Security (603)271-7700

http://www.nhsbdc.org/  Small Business Development Center - Contact Rita Toth at (603) 254-6890 or (603) 937-1487

http://www.graftonrdc.org/  Grafton Regional Development Center - (603) 536-2011

http://www.nhmunicipal.org/covid-19-resources  COVID-19 Resource Page, New Hampshire Community Development Finance ...

http://www.211nh.org/covid-19  211 NH provides the residents of NH with easy and accurate access to health and human services and to meet their ... Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information.


General Help:

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus or dial 2-1-1. Coronavirus (COVID-19). How to protect yourself ... CDC provides guidance to keep people safe.

www.sba.gov/   US Business Administration

http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/new_hampshire_assistance_progr.html  New Hampshire Assistance Programs - Find aid and assistance programs in New Hampshire. Get help with paying rent, heating and utility bills, health care, and mortgage assistance.